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Updating leaver details on the SIF
Updating leaver details on the SIF

Employees either leaving the company or leaving the Plan

Updated over a week ago

Updating the SIF for employees leaving my company

You will need to complete the SIF for the relevant employee leaving by filling in the fields ExitDate and ExitReasonCode. The two option codes that you can use for ExitReasonCode are ‘Leaver’ or ‘Death’. This can be used to let us know of employees that have left service or have passed away.

If a member has retired please notify us via email at [email protected].

If an employee who is remaining in employment simply wishes to stop contributing to the scheme, you can continue to include them on the file but input zero values for them under the monetary contribution fields . Until an employee is marked as a leaver on the platform they are still a member of the scheme.

Important: if you submit an employee as a leaver in error, let us know immediately

For further information in relation to the SIF, please see the SIF Guide.

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